Vanished In The Night: Nathan Millard Missing In Baton Rouge

Hope dwindles as the days pass by without any sign of Nathan Millard. The 42-year-old Conyers construction worker flew to Baton Rouge for a short business trip, but he seemed to have vanished into thin air.

Hope dwindles as the days pass by without any sign of Nathan Millard. The 42-year-old Conyers construction worker flew to Baton Rouge for a short business trip, but he seemed to have vanished into thin air.

His wife, Amber Millard, said that her husband never showed up for a meeting with a client the following morning. The last time she spoke to him was on Wednesday night when they had a Facetime conversation while he was at a basketball game.

Nathan was last seen leaving Happy’s Irish Pub on Third Street, where he went with a client after the game. When hotel staff checked on his room, they found no signs of anyone staying there.

The investigation has revealed that Nathan’s phone was found near the corner of Seventh Street and Florida Street, four blocks from the Courtyard Marriott where he was staying. 

Additionally, someone used Nathan’s bank card at the Greyhound bus station, which was less than a mile from the hotel.

The disappearance of Nathan Millard has left his family and friends in distress. His wife said that she is living in a nightmare and is praying for a miracle.

 Nathan is a stepfather to two teenage boys and has two sons from a previous marriage. He also shares a daughter with Amber, who is only seven years old.

As the investigation continues, his loved ones hold onto hope that Nathan will be found soon and return safely to his family.

Milllard’s Wife’s statement 

According to Nathan Millard’s wife, he did not return to his hotel, and his case is being investigated as missing.

She hopes for additional evidence, particularly camera footage, to surface and shed light on his movements that night.

Nathan was supposed to meet his business client at a property the next day but failed to attend. The Baton Rouge Police have not confirmed much of what has been reported by Millard’s wife, only stating that the case is under investigation.

