The Producer Behind Top Marvel Series Matt McInnis

Matt McInnis is a highly regarded producer who has worked on hit Marvel shows including Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, and the Defenders. He has also produced the mini-series, The Witcher: Blood Origins. While Matt has seen massive success in the film industry, his story starts in a small neighborhood in Vancouver, Canada. As a young

Matt McInnis is a highly regarded producer who has worked on hit Marvel shows including Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, and the Defenders. He has also produced the mini-series, The Witcher: Blood Origins.

While Matt has seen massive success in the film industry, his story starts in a small neighborhood in Vancouver, Canada. As a young boy, he grew to love genre television and became a huge fan of The X-Files.

Coincidently, the producer of The X-Files was one of Matt’s neighbors. Wanting to be a part of his favorite show, he—at nine years old—went over to the producer’s house, knocked on his door, and asked if he could be in the show. 

Shortly after, he was introduced to the set as an extra. From the moment that he saw what was “behind the scenes,” Matt knew what he wanted to do with his life.

In his words, he wanted to “[w]ork to make other people feel the way I felt while watching some of my favorite stories unfold on television.”

Matt never stopped following his dream and wasn’t afraid of starting at the bottom to get there. His first job, in the producing world, was as a producer’s assistant on the set of Smallville. There, he had the “glamours” task of making photocopies and getting lunches for hardly any money.

Despite that, Matt comments: “Becoming an assistant is the best thing that could have happened to me.” Instead of looking down on his position, Matt saw it as an opportunity to learn. He sat in on meetings and absorbed all the information he could get his hands on.

His willingness to start from the bottom and work his way up eventually paid off. That nine-year-old boy is now an established producer who has worked on top Marvel series such as Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, and The Defenders, and has also worked on other popular series like The Witcher: Blood Origins. 

Currently, Matt has a focus on diversity in the film industry. He comments: “Representation and inclusivity are hugely important to me on a personal level.”

He plans to continue his mission of doing all he can to further inclusion and create content where everyone sees themselves represented in meaningful ways.

On another note, for others looking to join the film industry, Matt gives this piece of advice: “…don’t be afraid to roll up your sleeves and start at the bottom. Hard work is recognized and being a team player is highly rewarded.

Our industry is one of the last true apprenticeship industries and there is no straight line or right way to get in the game. Kindness is paramount.”  

All in all, Matt McInnis’ journey from a nine-year-old X-Files fanboy to a highly-regarded producer of international television series is an inspiring story about never giving up on your dreams.

Though he started out at the bottom, he slowly worked his way to the top and ended up seeing huge success as a result. 

