Netizens in Disbelief after Thembinkosi Lorchs Orlando Pirates Salary Revealed: Doesnt Add

Thembinkosi "Nyoso" Lorch took the cat out of the bag about how much South African footballers earn during his domestic violence trial. The Orlando Pirates forward was found guilty of assaulting his ex-girlfriend, Fundiswa Nokuphiwa Mathithibala. He was in Randburg Magistrate Court last week when his lawyer, Pierre de Kock, revealed his salary.

  • Orlando Pirates' forward Thembinkosi Lorch left some people in denial after his salary was revealed
  • His lawyer claimed that the star had two children and earned R50 000 in a bid for a suspended sentence
  • Social media users think it is not true and might be a ploy to wiggle himself out of his ongoing GBV trial

Thembinkosi "Nyoso" Lorch took the cat out of the bag about how much South African footballers earn during his domestic violence trial.

The Orlando Pirates forward was found guilty of assaulting his ex-girlfriend, Fundiswa Nokuphiwa Mathithibala. He was in Randburg Magistrate Court last week when his lawyer, Pierre de Kock, revealed his salary.

Thembinkosi Lorch's Orlando Pirates salary revealed during GBV trial

In a bid to get a lenient sentence, De Kock told the court that the football star had two children he needed to take care of, The South African reported:

“As a soccer player, his salary fluctuates, and his salary is roughly R50 000. He has to send money to his first child who lives with their mother in Qwa-Qwa, and he lives with his other child. My client will appreciate a suspended sentence,” De Kock said.

Social media shocked by Thembinkosi Lorch's Orlando Pirates salary

Taking their shock to social media, netizens wondered how he was able to maintain his flashy lifestyle with so little money, here are some of the comments:

@Kideo_Mah explained:

"He is a part-time football player after all. He doubles playing football with beating women and making court appearances."

@sivokovoko was certain:

"At Pirates, that 50k a month is possible, remember they should be grateful for playing for the big brand."

@KeMariri suggested:

"There are various parts to salary... other benefits would be called something else like performance... they are managing the truth."

@njivana thought:

"Maybe to highlight that he’s the breadwinner, for the argument of a lighter sentence."

@joelmonwabisi was convinced:

"It's true, the lawyer won't lie in court bro."

@SbuuMathe imagined:

"A whole superstar of the team earning just R50k??? No wonder Erasmus wanted to strangle people...I'd also be mad at Sundowns if I were him honestly. Phela this means he's somewhere around the region of R25k."

@Enn_que was confused:

"Could just be the basic salary, I’m just speculating. Doesn’t add up."

Ndabayithethwa Ndlondlo's short lobola returned

In more football stars' stories on Briefly News, another Buccaneer's lobola was sent back with his delegation with his baby mama's family, saying it was over R100K short.

Ndabayithethwa Ndlondlo's ordeal sparked outrage, with social media users saying lobola money should be abolished, especially in the Ramaphosa economy.

